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Lanstar Designs | Image Branding

About Me

Meet the Photographer

Hello! I’m a photographer, except I’m not. I creatively use devices and machinery that pauses time and create moments that you can access at anytime. You can use it to tell stories and show ideas that you've had deep within your mind and dreams that has never been seen. So ok, I guess you can call me a photographer. Lol

Simply put, I really just love being able to capture moments by pausing time through the click of my camera button. Photos tell a lot or as little as you would like it to say towards something specific.

Capturing portraits has always been a trill, even more so, when I can bring to life the ideas of someone doing what they enjoy. This opens up the way for image branding, helping the world to see what you do best, whether with an idea or a business that you operate or have been dreaming of starting. Without saying a word, you can tell a story of what you do through image branding and photography.

Recent portfolio